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March 26, 2021

Introducing the Abridged RoadRally Rules

Introducing the Abridged RoadRally Rules

The RoadRally Rules (RRRs) have often been criticized as too long and too complicated, and a deterrent to local rallyists “graduating” to National and Divisional events. 

The RoadRally Board (RRB) is now introducing the Abridged RoadRally Rules in an attempt to address those concerns.  The vast majority of the credit for the creation of this document goes to Bruce Gezon who originated the concept and did most of the “heavy lifting” in removing sections he felt were unnecessary.  Bruce’s original concept was to only include those items needed while actually running a rally.  The RRB did expand that concept somewhat.  One RRB member expressed the opinion that an additional purpose of the document should be to help “the first time organizer put on a simple event without spending hours delving into the details of the (unabridged) RRRs.” and a few items were added to Bruce’s original version.

A few important things to note about the Abridged RRRs:

  • The abridged version does not change any existing content in the unabridged version of the RRRs. It only removes sections such as general information, administrative sections, appendices, etc. The Table of Contents indicates which sections have been removed with a **See Unabridged Rule Book.
  • The use of this document is optional by the organizing committee. The committee should announce in its communications if the abridged version is going to be used.
  • It should be noted that Course Rally conventions and Main Road Determinants (Articles 24 and 25) have been removed. At first glance it would then appear that the abridged version applies to Tour rallies only.  Bruce says that is not the case.  A course rally committee could use the Principal Road concept (as has been done previously by both Indianapolis and Land O’Lakes regions) or add any additional rules necessary for their event.

The RRB feels that reading the shortened version of the rules will be easier for entrants “newer” to national/divisional events, since the amount of material they need to read and understand is reduced.  This document will be subject to annual rule change proposals just as the unabridged RRRs are.  What should be added?  What should be removed?  The RRB welcomes your thoughts.

Words by R. Bruce Gezon, Clyde Heckler and Jim Wakemen
Image by Clyde Heckler

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