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January 12, 2021

2021 Virtual Convention Schedule Released

2021 Virtual Convention Schedule Released

It may look different, but it’s never been easier (or more cost effective!) to attend the SCCA National Convention.

This year, Convention sessions will be held over the course of a month, beginning January 23 and continuing with sessions through February 19. Better yet, it’s at no cost to SCCA members, and sessions can be picked and chosen by which are most valuable for each attendee.

The Convention kicks off in, well, a conventional way. SCCA President Mike Cobb will give a kick-off message, setting the tone and goals for both the Convention and the Club itself in 2021. From there, each of the programs – from Road Rally to Road Racing and every parking lot and open field in between – will break out into program direction and overview, followed later in the week by open Q&A sessions. At 7 p.m. CT that evening, the band will come back together for the SCCA Honors and Hall of Fame Awards presentation.

From there, however, it’s a true “choose your own adventure” to grow yourself as a member, leader, or Region. Over the next four weeks, more than 40 opportunities to hear best practices, join in discussions, get answers, or participate in trainings on nearly every aspect of the Club.

Most sessions will be recorded and archived for those who cannot attend the scheduled time, or just want to refresh their memory.


Best of all, registration is quick, easy and free and you get to help shape the future of yourself, your Region and your Club.

 Register Now!

The Neohio SCCA is a regional chapter of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). We are Ohio’s home for every motorsports enthusiast


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