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March 24, 2022

2022 Women’s History Month – Round 5

2022 Women’s History Month – Round 5

We are continuing to introduce you to trailblazers, work horses, and speed demons who have left their marks on SCCA or are watchable role models for kids right now.

The daily posts are continuing on the SCCA Women on Track Facebook Page, and here’s a sneak peak of the final posts!

Jeanne English

Cal Club

Road Rally

45-year member

Jeanne’s brother, Bob, was her introduction to road rally. He and his friends had formed a car club and needed another car for a ‘Best of Club’ award at a local rally. This was early 70s, and the rally was a Santa Monica Sports Car Club First Friday Niter.  That’s all it took – one 2-hour rally on a Friday night and she was hooked. And 50 years later, she is still doing road rallies, both locally and nationally.

She has been on the RoadRally Board and currently holds the role of Secretary. Back in the day, in the greater Los Angeles area, there were rallies on every Friday and Saturday night and some Sundays all put on by different clubs – Jeanne ran them all and couldn’t get enough of it. Today, SMSCC is the only active rally club left in LA. She currently is the president of SMSCC, the road rally arm of Cal Club, and the group is still doing First Friday Niters. 

And what does SCCA mean to her? “I have made some good friends along the way, and I truly enjoy seeing them at rally weekends around the country.  SCCA is like a big family tying us all together.”

Ruth Nixon

SCCA Hall of Fame

Road Rally

Don & Ruth Nixon were nominated for the SCCA Hall of Fame together, and selected together, because for anyone who knew them, it is simply not possible to think of them apart. Together, they were involved in Regional, Divisional, and then National leadership roles.  Both served terms on the SCCA Board of Directors. In fact, Ruth was the first woman ever elected to the Board. They were race workers all around the country in Timing and Scoring, and were the leaders in bringing that specialty forward into the electronics age from the era of single hand, analog stopwatches, to the world of digital clocks and chronograph timers that would permit a small group of workers to time an entire field of cars. They joined SCCA in an era when it was a gentleman’s club and women merely tagged along. They were at the forefront of changing this image and did so, as they did everything….together.

Mistey Wiseley

Texas Region

Road Rally, Solo

4-year member

When Mistey isn’t behind the wheel having #funwithcars, she volunteers her time on the Texas Region RoadRally Committee and serves as Secretary for the Texas Region Board of Directors. To Mistey, RoadRally means community and friendship. “It’s getting to share an intelligent game day with my husband as we work together to have fun, solve challenges, and enjoy gorgeous country roads with trees high-fiving each other over the road. And, maybe we see a curious donkey along the way or danger noodles (curvy road signs). We may discuss, but we never get disgusted!”


Women’s History Month is only 31 days long, but there are far more women impacting motorsports than we showcased. Do you know of a women who you’d like to nominate? Are you a women who likes to have #funwithcars?

Fill out our nomination form here, and provide us with a photo so we can continue to showcase those who impact our sport for the better!


Miss a round? Catch up now:

The Northeast Ohio SCCA is a regional chapter of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). We are Ohio’s home for every motorsports enthusiast


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