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April 25, 2020

Amy Wunsch: 2020 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund Recipient

Amy Wunsch: 2020 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund Recipient

A competitive person by nature, 2020 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund recipient Amy Wunsch started autocrossing just two years ago in a 1996 NA Miata and was hooked not only on the competition but the comradery. “I was terrified and almost didn’t go to my first event,” said the 28-year-old who works in finance. “But I’m now thankful every day that I went because I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it.”

“I started driving with Northern New Jersey Region and spent my entire first season driving locally and learning from some amazing instructors,” Amy recalls. “I took my second season much more seriously. I was at events nearly every weekend. I attended an Evo School and two Philadelphia Region skills schools. My second season, I also hit the road for National events. I did three ProSolos, two Tours, the ProSolo Finale and Solo Nationals.”

Apparently unafraid to jump in with both feet, the Street Touring Sport and H Street competitor also took on a role as a Novice Chief for a region in her first year of involvement with Sports Car Club of Amereica. In her second season, she donated time and money to be part of the Driving Forward Together initiative that supports women running in autocross, an effort which she is still actively involved today. This passion, dedication and contribution is what led Amy to being selected a 2020 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund recipient.

“I am truly thankful for being selected to receive the Wendi Allen scholarship,” said Amy, a member of the Northern New Jersey Region. “This will help offset costs for travel and tires, and hopefully allow me to achieve one of my goals for 2020, which is a top 15 finish in STS at Solo Nationals behind the wheel of my codriver’s 1990 Mazda Miata.”

Now in existence for seven years, the Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund provides each recipient $1,500 to support travel to Tire Rack National Solo events and the Tire Rack Solo National Championship. Additionally, SCCA waives entry fees for scholarship recipients to all Tire Rack National Solo events attended during the year, as well as work with the Solo community and commercial partners to seek out other forms of support for the recipients, such as driver training, mentoring, products and logistical assistance. Also, 2020 WASF awardees may attend a Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line school of their choice, which provides a full day’s worth of performance driving instruction with professional driving coaches.

Photo Credit: Rupert Berrington

The Neohio SCCA is a regional chapter of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). We are Ohio’s home for every motorsports enthusiast


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