November 6, 2020
This is an important time of year for both our country and the NEOHIO Region. On November 17th, we will host our 2020 Membership Meeting and Region’s election as a Zoom call. The membership meeting will again be on Zoom due COVID-19 restrictions. We encourage all members to participate in this meeting. The membership meeting is something we planned to have as a fun social event as we did in 2019. As soon as this is all over with, we will get together in person at another fun venue like last year’s event, but for now let’s all stay safe and keep on racing. 89?pwd=YWVGdnMyMXFlb nR3eVJZb2Q4L1Z1Zz09
Meeting ID: 932 6301 7389
Passcode: 653152
We have four candidates running for three expired Board of Trustee positions. Please take some time to review the 2021 Ballots and vote for the candidates you feel will best support our region.
Here’s the link: