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June 8, 2021

ProSolo: It’s Back, Including the Lincoln Championship Finale!

ProSolo: It’s Back, Including the Lincoln Championship Finale!

Following a Spring hiatus for a timing system refresh, the Tire Rack ProSolo season is back for 2021 with four remaining regular season events and the Finale at Lincoln on its traditional weekend in advance of the Tire Rack Solo Nationals (September 3-5).

To address the timing system faults, the SCCA National Office appointed Brian Conners, with support from Myke Dziengel, Robert Chrismas and the rest of the Solo field staff, to take a deep dive into the system and establish a long-term plan for improvement for 2022. The system was tested and failure points identified through both a specialty-built lab, a first for SCCA, and real-world testing at autocross events at Peru and Toledo.

The team identified and resolved problem areas, and repaired other known and previously unknown issues through a full-scale teardown and rebuild over a nine-week period. The Start Tree has been verified to sub-millisecond accuracy using standalone test equipment. The failure path from Charlotte was identified and protected against a similar failure. Through those tests, the team has confidence in the system moving forward with more reliability boosts to come.

ProSolo Championship Finale Qualification Requirements and Registration

As previously announced, the winners of the 2021 ProSolo Championship Finale will be a winner-takes-all event, making those who are on top at the conclusion of the event the 2021 ProSolo Champions.

The event will be limited to 250 entrants. There will be three tiers of eligibility that balance competition achievement and program support in recent years. Drivers need not qualify in the class they plan to run at the ProSolo Finale. For example, if you switched classes for the 2020 season, your participation and awards from 2019 still count towards tier qualification.

Tier 1, for 2021 and 2020 Super Challenge and Ladies Challenge winners, 2021 and 2020 Event Class winners, and 2019 year-end Series class, Super Challenge and Ladies Challenge champions, will open August 11 at 3 p.m. CDT.

Tier 2, for members who ran four or more ProSolo events during the 2019, 2020 and 2021 seasons combined, may register beginning August 18 at 3 p.m. CDT.

Tier 3, if spots remain, for members who participated in one or more ProSolo event during the 2021 season. That registration opens on August 25 at 3 p.m. CDT.

Previously Announced Regular Season Events

The four remaining regular season events and registration opening dates were announced on a week ago. The first event back will be a part of the Summer Nationals Bristol Double to kick off a busy run of events on June 30-July 2; two weeks after that will be the Packwood ProSolo, July 16-18, followed by Toledo, July 23-25, and Oscoda, July 30-August 1.

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Photo by Perry Bennett/

The Neohio SCCA is a regional chapter of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). We are Ohio’s home for every motorsports enthusiast


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