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March 9, 2020

Putting an Improved Member Experience on the MAP

Putting an Improved Member Experience on the MAP

The following is a column by Aimee Thoennes, SCCA Senior Manager of Member Services, originally written for the March 2020 issue of SportCar:

I’m pleased to announce SCCA’s brand-new Member Account Portal (MAP), providing SCCA members an online account management experience that is reliable, easy to navigate, and accessible through any mobile device. You may access the MAP at

The new MAP is the cornerstone of the SCCA’s long-range plan to improve the Member Experience through enhanced online functionality for members past, present, and future. The first version of MAP, which is set to roll out in early 2020, is focused on Member Account Management with emphasis on joining, rejoining, and renewing. The next version to be released will focus on Region Account Management, with an emphasis on Region Resources including the ability to submit sanction requests and event audits online.

With this first release, individuals can easily join online with a weekend or annual membership. Previous or current members can access their account with their unique SCCA Member ID, and a password reset sent to the e-mail address in the SCCA membership database. Previous members (weekend or annual) can rejoin with an annual membership and retain their SCCA Member ID. Renewing members can renew their membership and any eligible licenses.

Though the MAP, members will have access to the following opportunities 365 days per year:

  • Update mailing address, contact information, and photo
  • View membership and license expiration dates and status
  • Print membership card
  • Manage Volunteer Incentive Participation
  • Manage auto-renewal
  • Manage saved credit cards
  • Donate to SCCA Foundation
  • Shop for SCCA decals and patches
  • Find contact information for Region leadership, National Boards, and Committees
  • Download from the File Cabinet
  • View FAQs
  • Participate in surveys and electronic voting

A “Renew” button will be visible 95 days prior to membership expiration, as well as 180 days past membership expiration. During this renewal window, there are a number of additional opportunities available, including the ability to toggle membership packages between that of an individual and family plan (as well as add family members), change or add a Region, change Region of record, and renew eligible licenses (although it’s notable that competition licenses for family members cannot be renewed through the MAP at this time).

In addition, eligible discounts will be automatically applied in the shopping cart, with a spouse and children on family memberships receiving a full discount once the family membership level is selected, United States Military Service members receiving a 20-percent discount off National membership (contact Member Services for initial eligibility verification), and First Gear members age 24 and under receiving a 50-percent discount off an individual membership.

All of those eligible credits, plus referral credits and Volunteer Inceptive Participation credits, will be automatically applied in the shopping cart.

While our efforts focus on improving the member experience, this tool also serves to grow membership and improve member retention. For the first time in the Club’s history, SCCA is able to provide an online resource available on any mobile device for existing members to renew their membership and licenses, future members to join, and previous members to rejoin. Future releases will provide even more capabilities and functionality for SCCA members, Region leaders, and staff. This is a huge step forward for the Club, and I can’t wait for everyone to jump in at

The Neohio SCCA is a regional chapter of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). We are Ohio’s home for every motorsports enthusiast


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