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January 27, 2020

Region Development Grant Funded by Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack Returns

Region Development Grant Funded by Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack Returns

Track Night Region Development Grants are funded with $50,000 to be distributed to regions for the purposes of training, equipment upgrades, marketing, or offsetting costs of pilot events.  Funds do NOT need to be used for Track Night activities.  The monies are being offered to support any region development activity deemed to meet the established criteria, with a maximum grant allocation of $3,000 for any submission selected as a recipient.

Grant applications can be submitted online at Submissions are due no later than February 28, 2020.  Grant requests will be reviewed by a five-person committee made up of SCCA Board of Directors members and National Staff. Submissions will be judged on merit, innovation and need. Announcement on recipients will occur by March 20, 2020.  If all funds are not distributed in the first round, a second submission window will be opened until April 1, 2020.

Eligibility Criteria
In evaluating a grant, the selection committee will give the most attention and focus to projects which meet the following criteria: 

  1. It is innovative or demonstrates need:
    • The request should directly add value to Region and Club activities or represent a new and innovative approach, or an approach that could potentially serve as a pilot project to test a concept for adaptation by other Regions.
    • Improves Region operations or event experience (i.e. timing equipment, etc.)
  2. Backed by a project management plan:
    • Description of request: What are the goals and objectives, deliverables (what you will deliver to meet your goal), metrics (how you will measure the success of your request), budget and financial plan (what is the overall projected budget, what other funding sources will be used)?
    • Project schedule: What is the overall timeline for the entire project?
    • Project Management: Who are the people who will lead the project/request and who are the primary contacts?
  3. It will have a positive impact on the Region and/or the Club:
    • The request/project must positively reinforce the Club’s mission statement

Eligible requests/projects:  Any project that demonstrates a need; training, equipment upgrades, marketing, or offsetting costs of pilot events.

Eligible costs:  All eligible expenses must be based upon real costs. Applications without a realistic and cost-effective budget will not receive consideration.  Expenses must:

  • Be required for the project’s success: All expenses must be directly linked to the budget and financial planning components of the project management plan. Expenses which reflect the use of external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be precisely defined.
  • Be directly invoiced by the Grant applicant: Eligible expenses which involve external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be invoiced by the Grant recipient. External vendors will not be paid directly by the TNIA Grant.
  • Comply with the principles of sound financial management


At a minimum, the application should include:

  • Region Name
  • Project Contact(s)
  • Project Name
  • Project Summary
  • Goal/Purpose
  • Anticipated Result (anticipated increase in participation, additional Region revenue generated, etc.)
  • Project Timeline
  • Project Budget (total amount needed for success)
  • A summary of resources (financial and/or manpower) that are in addition to the grant funding being requested.
  • Amount of Grant Request


The Neohio SCCA is a regional chapter of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). We are Ohio’s home for every motorsports enthusiast


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