January 9, 2019
Shake off winter and get ready for spring – Spring Training, that is! It’s the kick-off to all the excitement that will race across Great Lakes Division in 2019.
On Saturday, March 2, we’ll gather in Findlay, Ohio, to learn what’s new, share best practices, and network with friends. There’s something for everyone, and GLD’s new Executive Steward Duane Harrington is excited about the enhanced agenda being developed this year.
In addition to the full-day Solo Track, and Road Race specialty meetings, loads of new sessions will be offered this year. Hear from SCCA’s Rick Myers about the sanction process and waivers. Find out more about Time Trials from SCCA’s Jon Krolewicz and GLD’s Divisional Administrator CJ Carter. Jon will also share insights on Creating the Culture.
Let SCCA’s Chris Robbins tell you about creating the most welcoming environment. Lend an ear when SCCA’s Jeff Luckritz talks about the Power of Positive Leadership.
Be sure to attend the “Explore the Race Steward Role” session, hosted by Training Steward Lauri Burkons. She’ll outline the program and talk about your opportunity to get involved. Drivers, workers, and anyone interested in this role are highly encouraged to attend.
If you’re an RE or region Race Representative, join Duane for his meeting with you, too.
Plus, we’re going online for registration via MSR! If you prefer, we’ll offer an option for paper registration, too.
While online registration is almost ready, and the agenda is being tweaked to include even more, you can book your overnight room at the Findlay Inn now. The discounted room rate is $92 this year; call Findlay Inn at 419-422-5682 and request the “SCC19” group rate.
Whether you’re already active or want to be more involved, mark your calendar for Saturday, March 2. Then, watch the GLD website for details (http://www.greatlakes-scca.org/).